Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

In December 2022, my mother and I took a trip to Liberia. Months before our trip, I spent my days imagining how my experience would be. I visualized the environment and wondered what my extended family was like. Even though I was anxious, I had no fear because I honestly anticipated the best. 

Months flew by, and the day had finally come. My mother and I arrived at the San Francisco airport at 6 am. I noticed she was very jittery and seemed a little stressed. I didn’t understand why, but after our trip, I realized she was nervous because it was her first time going back to a country that left her with painful memories of war and separation from her mother and siblings for 18 long years. My sweet mother was experiencing so many emotions she didn’t know what to expect. She was anxious and nervous, while I, on the other hand, was ready to have fun. When we boarded our flight, I ordered a glass of white wine with ice. 

Our first flight was from San Francisco to Chicago, and after 4 hours, we landed. As soon as we got to our gate in Chicago, I was astonished. The Decembrees filled all the seats at our gates. It was a culture shock to see so many Liberians from different parts of the United States traveling back home for the holidays. After meeting new people, we continued to Brussels. From Brussels to Liberia. Totaling 24 Hours.

After such a long journey, we finally touched down in Liberia. I was ready for the flight attendants to open the plane doors because something in me felt excited but mainly ready to stand up after sitting for so long. I couldn’t wait to experience Liberia. I was happy, and I couldn’t contain it; however, the moment I stepped off the plane, the humidity hit me, and my hair, which was once bone straight, turned frizzy, but I didn’t care because I was happy to be home. Though I haven’t been to Liberia since I was two years old, I felt that I knew this place.

During my first few weeks in LIB, I had fun with cousins I never knew I had. We partied, went to great restaurants with the best food I’ve ever tasted, and enjoyed our time at lounges that played the latest Afrobeat music. We walked the beautiful beaches with golden sand and tropical weather. I toured the streets of Sinkor and saw the Royal Grand Hotel. I met many hilarious keh keh and taxi drivers who taught me curse words I never knew existed. I experienced the craziness of Waterside and downtown Monrovia. My cousin and I attended the Maryland vs. Bong County soccer game at the Samuel K Doe Stadium. The street food, like pepper kala and roasted meat, was a hundred times better than the fast food in America. I spent Christmas with my family, and we danced like never before. After experiencing these memorable things, my fondness for Liberia grew more profound, and my perspective changed.

When people look at Liberia, they see a place of war, but I see a place of peace. They see poverty, but I see abundance. They see destruction, but I see opportunity. They see despair, but I see hope. Liberia is my home. It ignites my appreciation for life. My love for Mama Liberia grows every day. 

Despite the challenges in Liberia, Im excited to be a part of the development of Liberia and experience the beautiful things my country has to offer. 

Linda Smith

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