Play Your Cards Right

Play Your Cards Right

In this life, God has given everyone a great purpose. Yet we tend to look at the success of others and think life’s been unfair to us, but the truth is, you need to learn to play your cards right. 

Playing your cards right means being obedient to the word of God and using what God has already given you to fulfill his will. 

When God told Moses to save his people from Egypt, Moses made all these excuses for not being good enough and why he couldn’t do it. This world has warped our minds to think that we must be rich, famous, or glamorous to make an impact, but that's not true. And the reason most people don’t reach their God-given destiny is because they disobey God. We each have talents and gifts that God wants us to use to glorify him. But some people have neglected it, chasing the next big thing or the illusion of wealth. 

Jesus came into this world and worked as a poor Carpenter when we all know he had the power to make himself the richest man in the world. But he set his heart on fulfilling God’s will instead of gaining worldly riches. Now, He is the name above all names and is seated at the right hand of God. This example proves you don’t have to have it all to make an impact. But if you are obedient to what God has called you to do and you wait on his timing, he will provide for you, bless you, and honor will follow you — which is worth much more than vain riches. The true way to be honored in this life is through your obedience to God.

I’ve made so many plans to become rich and successful. I thought my success lay within what I could gain from this world. But John 4:4 says, “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.” So I surrender my plans to God because greater is the woman God will make me than what the world could ever make me. My true success is in Jesus Christ.

That’s how you play your cards right.

Linda Smith

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